What can I do to help?



  • Please support building the Interim Coastal Trail NOW from Watsonville to Santa Cruz Boardwalk.

  • The Interim Coastal Trail is the fastest way to build the trail to Watsonville. The proposed “Ultimate Trail” will clearcut hundreds of trees, require eminent domain of private property and delay the construction of the trail for decades.. We can build the Interim Coastal Trail today without destroying trees and preserve the corridor for future transit through the federal railbanking process. Please support building the more environmentally-responsible plan, the Interim Coastal Trail.

  • Building a new passenger rail system along the Santa Cruz coastline does not align with the Coastal Act in either resource protection or access to the coast. Additionally, sea level rising requirements, as established by the Commission, will place restrictions on the use of the Coastal Corridor that travels from Davenport to Watsonville. Building the Interim Coastal Trail is the only infrastructure improvement that will be allowed by the California Coastal Commission. Please support building the Interim Coastal Trail.

  • Let’s build the Interim Coastal Trail so we can use this valuable transportation corridor TODAY as an alternative to Highway 1 and preserve if for transit in the future. Please vote YES for the Interim Coastal Trail.

  • There are three (3) main transportation corridors across Santa Cruz County (Highway 1, Soquel Drive, Coastal) that are critical to mobility for our community.   Priority needs to be made to open the Santa Cruz Coastal Trail from Watsonville to Santa Cruz for active transportation in a timely and cost-effective manner.  Please support moving forward with the Interim Coastal Trail.

  • RTC staff recognizes that the Coastal Act requirements will constrain and prevent a future rail system in the Santa Cruz Coastal Corridor. This is why the RTC's Executive Director, Guy Preston, recommended the Interim Coastal Trail (over the tracks) years ago as the best approach for opening the Coastal Trail. 


Justin.cummings@santacruzcounty.us; Andy.Schiffrin@santacruzcounty.us; openup@cats.ucsc.edu; Felipe.hernandez@santacruzcounty.us; eduardo.montesino@cityofwatsonville.org; vanessa.quiroz@cityofwatsonville.org; manu.koenig@santacruzcounty.us; Bruce.McPherson@santacruzcounty.us; BDS022@co.santa-cruz.ca.us; Robertpquinn@gmail.com; rlj12@comcast.net; ladykpetersen@gmail.com; apedersen@ci.capitola.ca.us; sbrown@cityofsantacruz.com; citycouncil@cityofsanta; citycouncil@cityofwatsonville.org; citycouncil@ci.capitola.ca.us; boardinquiries@scmtd.com


Donations go towards advocating to build the Santa Cruz Coastal Trail in a timely and cost-effective manner. Donations directly to Trail Now are not tax deductible and all contributions are not disclosed to the public.

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